Title: The Integrated Mental Health Atlas of the North Perth PHN Region (annex 1) and the Integrated Mental Health Atlas of the Kimberley Region 2018-. Funded by Western Australia Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA). CIA L Salvador-Carulla (as a complementary activity to the project Semantic Interoperability of the NMHSPF and DESDE-LTC). Grant amount: $80,000
Title: The Integrated Mental Health Atlas of the Western Sydney PHN Region 2018-2019. Funded by the Western Sydney Primary Health Network (WSPHN). Project ID 7960. CIA L Salvador-Carulla (August 2018-July 2019). Grant amount: $100,000
Title: The Integrated Mental Health Atlas of Sydney North PHN. Funded by Sydney North PHN (PIR PHN North Sydney). PIA: L. Salvador-Carulla. Subcontract ConNetica and Loyola University Andalucia. (July 2016-July 2017). AUDGrant amount: $150,000
Title: The Integrated Mental Health Atlas of Canberra ACT. Funded by PHN Canberra ACT. Subcontract with the Australian National University. PIA: L. Salvador-Carulla. (July 2016-May 2017). $150,000
Title: The Integrated Mental Health Atlas of the Western New South Wales Region. Funded by PHN Western New South Wales. Subcontract ConNetica and Loyola University Andalucia. (July 2016-June 2017). $150.00
Title: The Integrated Mental Health Atlas of Sydney North PHN. Funded by Sydney North PHN (PIR PHN North Sydney). PIA: L. Salvador-Carulla. Subcontract ConNetica and Loyola University Andalucia. (July 2016-July 2017). $150,000
Title: The Integrated Mental Health Atlas of Inner West Sydney (July 2015-May 2016). Co-funded by PIR Inner West Sydney and the SPARC flexible funding. Sydney $140,000.
Title: The Integrated Mental Health Atlas of the East and South East Sydney (July 2015-May 2016). CIA: Luis Salvador-Carulla. Funded by PIR East and South East Sydney.
Title: The Integrated Mental Health Atlas of Sydney Local Health District. Brain and Mind Research Institute. Luis Salvador-Carulla (CIA), Glozier N, Eades P, Hong S, et al. Funded by University SPARC Funding. University of Sydney . July 2015-June 2016. -. $49,676.
Title: The Mapping of Mental Health Care Programs in Western Sydney. WentWest and Partners in Recovery Western Sydney LHD. (June 2015-June 2016). Luis Salvador-Carulla (CIA). A. Fernandez, J Smith-Merry, J Gillespie. Funded by Partner in Recovery Western Sydney, WentWest. $93,545.
Title: Integrated Mental Health Atlas Project -Australia. On-going collaboration with public health agencies (Primary Health Networks) to map the mental health care system. Funding source: Primary Health Networks. CIA: Luis Salvador-Carulla (ANU). Collaborators: Nasser Bagheri & Maryanne Furst (ANU), James Gillespie (Centre for Health Policy, University of Sydney), Jose Alberto Salinas (University Loyola Andalucia) John Mendoza & Tanya Bell (ConNetica). Dates January 2015 - on-going. Budget: $1,118,400.
Title: Western Sydney LHD. Mapping MH services in Western Sydney LHD. Extension of the PiR evaluation project by Menzies Institute (Coordinator of the general project J. Gillespie, CIA). Coordinator of the extension project L Salvador-Carulla. LHD, National MH Commission. Dates: 1st May 2014 to 30th March 2015. Budget $74,000 AUD. 2nd extension 2016 $75,000 AUD
Title: The Mental Health Atlas of South Western Sydney. South Western Sydney LHD. PIR Systems and Services Improvement Fund 2014/2015. CIA: L. Salvador-Carulla. Dates 1st October 2014 - 30th May 2015. Budget $98,000 AUD.
Title: Comparison of availability and use of mental health services in health areas in Chile and Spain Ref: A/013204/07 (Extension A/019376/08)
Grants for Inter-University Cooperation and Scientific Research Programmes
Associate researcher. (IP JC García): University of Cádiz (Spain) and University of Concepción (Chile)
Start and end date: 2007-2008
Amount of the grant: 28,000
Title: PECUNIA: ProgrammE in Costing, resource use measurement and outcome valuation for Use in multi-sectoral National and International health economic evaluations. H2020 Ref No. Disability Ref AMD-779292-1.
Funding Source: Horizon 2020 Research innovation Programme, European Commission. Partners: Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Universitaetsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Universiteit Maastricht, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Canarian Health Service, Scientific Association Psicost, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of Bristol, EURICE - European Research and Project Office GmbH
Project Leader: Prof Judit Simon Role in the project Luis Salvador-Carulla: Principal Investigator (Psicost, Spain)
Dates: 1 Jan 2018 to Dec 2021
Budget EUR 2,999,943.75
Title: Research on Financing systems' Effect on the Quality of Mental health care (REFINEMENT) Reference: 261459
Funding entity and call: Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union
Principal Investigator: Francesco Amaddeo (University of Verona)
Start and end date: 2011-2013
Amount of the grant: 241,317.60
More information: http://www.refinementproject.eu/
Name: European Profile of Prevention and Promotion in Mental Health (EuroPoPP-MH) Reference: 2010 62 01 - Mental Health
Funding Agency: Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC), 2010
Principal Investigator: Gerry Carton (Institute Of Mental Health (Nottingham))
Start and end date: 2011-2012
Amount of the grant: 2,000
More information: https://ec.europa.eu/health//sites/health/files/mental_health/docs/europopp_full_en.pdf
Title: TRINNODD (Transfer of Innovation in Dual Diagnosis) European Commission: Programme Leonardo da Vinci. Ref: LU/08/LLP-LdV/TOI-156002
Programme D'education et de Formation Tout Au Long de la Vie Transfert D'innovation, Projets Multilateraux
National coordinator (Spain). (R Cecotto IP). AEECRM Spanish Society for the Study of Mental Retardation
Other participants: APEMH - Parents' Association of Mentally Handicapped Children: R Cecotto, VARFIE - Association for Research and Training on Integration in Europe CTE SRL - Private Institute for Rehabilitation, FENACERCI - National Federation of Social Solidarity Cooperatives: Sonia Fontes, SIRM - Italian Society for the Study of Mental Retardation: G LaMalfa, F Silviani, M Bertelli, UCOS - One Child, One Hope Foundation: E Tudorache
Start and end date: 2008-2010
Amount of the grant: 207,200
Title: Electronic Standard Coding and Mapping of Services for Long-Term Care (eDESDE-LTC) Reference: eHealth Project No. 2007116
Funding entity and call: Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC), 2007
Principal Investigator: Luis Salvador Carulla (Asociación Científica PSICOST)
Start and end date: 2008-2010
Amount of the grant: 449,895.39
More information: http://www.edesdeproject.eu/
Title: POMONA-II "Health Indicators for people with Intellectual Disability: Using an indicator set Ref: Public Health OJ 2004/C62/04
European Commission Health & Consumer Protection DG.
National coordinator (Spain)
LSC. 2005-2008
Amount of the grant: 33,071.35
Title: Comparative Cost Analysis: Community-Based Services as an Alternative to Institutions. Reference: VC/2005/0344
Financing entity and call: European Commission, 2005
Principal Investigator: Jim Mansell and Julie Beadle-Brown (Tizard Centre, London School Of Economics)
Start and end date: 2006-2007
Amount of the grant: 52,667.02
More information: https://www.kent.ac.uk/tizard/research/projects/cost_comparison.html
Title: European Quality Management for Persons with Disabilities: EQM-PD Project Referencia: A/03/B/F/PP-158.027
Funding entity and call: Leonardo da Vinci Programme, 2003
Principal Investigator: Manfred Pretis (Sozial Innovatives Netz)
Start and end date: 2003-2006
Amount of the grant: 31,482.73